We assist You to buy
crypto currency in 1 click!
We are an assistance information and marketing portal for Natural persons that want to buy virtual currency in easy way, with out wasting of time and at reasonable fees.
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Please Note:
  • This page is for buying cryptocurrency. Use only your own personal Virtual currency address for receiving.
  • This service is provided by a third party, and you are subject to their terms of use.
  • In case of any issues please contact Simplex support.
  • Once payment is completed, you can check your payment status on Simplex.
  • The crypto amount quoted is based on the current rate and is not final. If the rate changes by more than +/-2.5% you will be asked to reconfirm the transaction via email from Simplex.
  • Cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible. Refunds after a successful purchase are not possible.
  • If you were linked to this page to make a payment to someone else, it could be illegal or a scam.
Our partners provide extremely high limits on simplified purchase of virtual currency
$20000.00 per Day
$50000.00 per Month
Easy verification process
Our partners request only Your Name, Date of birth and contact details for transactions of volume less than USD 150.00 per month.
After exceeding above mentioned limits our partners request a scan/photo of Your ID. In several cases our partners reserves right to request Your selfie with ID or conduct liveness check.
Lowest fees at the EU market. 1. 3.5% Simplex fees 2. 2% our marketing fees Additional fee of Virtual currency sellers/Liquidity providers, provided by Simplex in rate of 0.5-2% may be implied depending of type of requested virtual currency, fiat currency of credit card, residence of customer and other parameters of deals. However Easyportal LTD don`t take any liability for acts and tariffs of Simplex and liquidity partners and unable to provide information about exact formula of liquidity partners fees.
Speed of transactions - we will deliver Your virtual currency to Your wallet in several minutes. In some cases time of delivery may be extended.
Buy now
Cryptocurrencies are a high risk investment and may not be suitable for all members of the public and all types of investor.Before purchasing cryptocurrency, you must ensure that the nature, complexity and risks inherent in the trading of cryptocurrency are suitable for your objectives in light of your circumstances and financial position. You should not purchase cryptocurrency unless you understand the extent of your exposure to potential loss.Cryptocurrency exchange rates have exhibited strong volatility to date and you understand that the extent of exposure to potential loss could extend to your entire cryptocurrency investment. Many factors outside of the control of Easyportal LTD and Simplex will effect the market price of cryptocurrencies, including, but not limited to, national and international economic, financial, regulatory, political, terrorist, military, and other events, adverse or positive news events and publicity, and generally extreme, uncertain, and volatile market conditions. Extreme changes in price may occur at any time, resulting in a potential loss of value of your entire investment in cryptocurrencies, complete or partial loss of purchasing power, and difficulty or a complete inability to sell or exchange your virtual currency.
EASYPORTAL LTD under any circustmates does not provide any financial services, virtual currency exchange services, virtual wallets services and other any services related to trading of virtual currency. EASYPORTAL DOES NOT BUY or SELL virtual currency to customers of the web-site. All transactions provided by 3rd parties that hold relevant authorization and are responsible for AML/CFT measures. You will see the details of Seller in check-out page. For more info please contact Simplex ( UAB "Simplex Payment Services” )
As EASYPORTAL LTD created web-portal easyportalltd.com only for marketing purposes, we notice that: We have no obligation to conduct AML/CFT customer due diligence service as we don`t provide any financial services/virtual currency services and also we don't belong to any type of designated non-financial businesses and professions (dnfbps). We don't collect, process and share any personal data related to virtual currency transactions. Personal data collected and processed by Simplex and designated sellers of virtual currency.
You confirm that You are buying virtual currency for purpose of transferring ONLY to wallet that under on Your full control.